Homepage Featured Supplier

Ad Unit

Our premier homepage ad unit, The Homepage Featured Suppliers, are the first companies that a buyer will see on the homepage.

Demo of user landing on WC and location of the ad units.

image here

A Bigger, More Engaging Showcase of Your Business

More real estate means more opportunity for you to display a beautiful, enticing image that will attract more buyers in your industry. Your Featured and Premium badges will even further separate you from the crowd.

More than just a banner

More than just a banner By providing key information on your business up front, this unit acts less like a billboard and is instead a piece of content with which the buyer will engage.

Demo of mobile user swipping through featured suppliers, , choosing one, and going to their profile page.

1.7 million wholesale buyers are using Wholesale Central. Be the first supplier they see.

Get started today and increase your sales

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