Cash and carry trade shows are some of the best events to get products right when you need them. Whether it is to test a new style or obtain fresh, new merchandise, these shows allow retailers to get products fast and beat their competitors to the punch. The Costa Mesa Cash & Carry Show, taking place November 19-21, 2021, is the perfect place to accomplish just that.
The Costa Mesa Cash & Carry Show gives buyers the chance to purchase items right on the spot and reorder their best-sellers. Guests will find a vast selection of merchandise available for immediate delivery and order-writing, including gifts and collectibles, aromatherapy, bath and spa items, handcrafted goods, gourmet food, holiday merchandise, personal and fashion accessories, fine and fashion jewelry, and so much more.
This trade show is hosted by Pinnacle Shows, a full-service trade show management company dedicated to creating unforgettable events for a wide range of exhibitors and different industries. Their trade shows range from Cash and Carry, Souvenir and Resort Shows, and many others. They combine seasoned knowledge with inspiration and ingenuity, transforming venues and providing their guests with truly unique experiences.
The Costa Mesa Cash & Carry Show will be held at the OC Fair and Event Center in the Costa Mesa Building in California. Open exclusively to the retail trade for order-writing and immediate delivery, this show gives you the chance to meet thousands of qualified exhibitors ready to sell items right on the spot and to order some of their best-sellers before the holidays. To register today, visit www.pinnacle-shows.com/costa-mesa-cash-and-carry-show.
Costa Mesa Cash & Carry Gift Show
November 19-21, 2021
OC Fair and Event Center in the Costa Mesa Building
88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626