People agree that there are two major product sectors that will experience growth, in a marketplace that has seen general declines in retail sales. Products that fall into the categories of (1) Health & Wellness and (2) Go Green, will benefit by anticipated increases in demand. The BAGGLER Company manufactures and sells products that provide ergonomic and eco-friendly solutions. Keeping in line with our product philosophy and Mission Statement, we market our cornerstone products together, to form a single retail item called, The BAGGLER Combo Pack. It is the combination of The BAGGLER(r) and a set of BAGGLER Bags.
- The Baggler
The flagship product is The BAGGLER(r); an ergonomic handle employs proprietary technology to make carrying all types of bags easier and more comfortable. Since its debut in late 2006, it has found tremendous popularity and is sold in 21 countries. The combination of active lifestyles and an aging consumer base contributed to the success of this device. People seek products that improve the quality of their life and The BAGGLER(r) addresses their needs, eliminating pain and hassle.
Baggler Bags were primarily the result of our company’s market testing among consumers from 14 states. We found that people wanted to do the right thing by reducing the proliferation and consumption of plastic bags. However, it was often difficult to have them when they really needed them. Many consumers said that they had many reusable bags, but they would constantly forget them, or the bags were dirty.
We decided to create a line of reusable shopping bags that would make it easy for consumers to be compliant with environmental concerns. BAGGLER Bags are made of lightweight non-woven materials that make a minimal carbon footprint. These bags are very strong and durable (carry up to 14 lbs per bag), washable, and require very little time and energy in the dryer, or can be air dried quickly. The bags are convenient and accessible because of their compact size (roll or fold up into the size of a roll of quarters), come in sets of three, and best of all, each set comes with a small zipper pouch (pouch dimensions: 6″ x 5″ x 2″) called, The BAGGLER Bag Bag.
The BAGGLER Bag Bag is very functional. It holds the shopping bags and is an ideal place to hold and store coupons, the shopping list, customer rewards cards, and (of course) The BAGGLER(r). The pouch is small enough to fit in a pocket, purse or glove box. It has a karabiner clip, and can be attached to a pocketbook, knapsack or baby stroller. The BAGGLER Combo pack has many features that make it easier and safer for people to carry their belongings, so these items never become a burden to themselves or to the environment.
Mark Eichenbaum, CEO
The BAGGLER Company
5 Glenwood Ave
Augusta, ME 04330
Tel.: 207-441-4953