JUPPY LLC has created the Juppy Baby Walker, a comfortable toddler holder with two holes for legs, and elongated, adjustable straps that allow a child learning to walk, to walk upright. The training parent or adult can also stand upright. Juppy is based on the premise that babies are eager to practice the movements necessary to walk, and that learning to walk is facilitated by exercise and the strengthening of the appropriate muscles. However, in order to help the baby maintain the proper upright posture while learning to walk, the parent or adult usually leans over to hold the baby’s hands or support it under the arms. This causes strain to the teacher and also closes in overhead on the baby, inhibiting its freedom.
Because of the adjustable straps, Juppy Baby Walker allows the parent to remain in a comfortable upright position, reducing back strain. In addition, it safely and conveniently allows the baby to practice walking while strengthening the walking muscles, and providing support for a proper upright walking posture. The result is a more enjoyable experience for both, and a more positive way to teach walking for the child.
For now, Juppy Baby Walker is offered only in black. The fabric is a sturdy canvass cotton/poly blend. Additional colors and fabrics are under study. The minimum order is 100 units, and the wholesale price is $13. The suggested retail is $19.95.
For more information:
Juppy LLC
5748 Royal Castle Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89130
Toll Free: 800-205-7127
Website: www.thejuppy.com