Color resonates with shoppers and shapes how they think of particular brands, whether they feel more welcomed or less than accepted.
Browsing: sales
Demand rose broadly in July for everything from cars to electronics, according to figures released by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Throughout the month of July, communities all over the world celebrate independent businesses and their role in shaping culture.
Despite what some pundits say about DVD sales not doing well, Marty Toombs, VP of operations for 303 Marketing, begs to differ. While it is true…
Strong, positive cash flow is a must for any thriving retail establishment. The benefits of positive cash flow are numerous.
A key component to Walmart’s success during the recent holiday season was the return of layaways.
The Commerce Department confirmed on Tuesday that there was 0.4 percent gain in retail receipts for the month of January.
Retailers, while not acclaimed fortune tellers, quite often are asked to predict the future. How much inventory must be purchased to meet demand? Will markdowns be…
The formula for open-to-buy (OTB, a financial budget for retail merchandising) planning is not difficult. To start, look at planned sales. Where do they come from?…
Every merchant should resolve to sell more merchandise more quickly each and every year.