The Cloud provides a wealth of opportunities for smaller retailers, including marketing and loyalty programs, operations, inventory control, human resources and payment services, and can solve communication, collaboration and competition issues.
Browsing: technology
The global standard for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology, is coming to the U.S.
Now customers can check in with PayPal and check out at the register at nearly 2,000 merchants with the iPad POS solution from ShopKeep POS.
New technologies will come and go, opening new windows of opportunity for theft, fraud and loss.
With the help of biometrics, brick and mortars aren’t relying only on their sales numbers to solve problems.
The Seven Deadly “Retail” Sins include Overbuying, Underbuying, Not Attending Markets, and No Markdown Strategy.
The Memory on Hand (MoH) band, a silicone bracelet clasped together by a USB flash drive, keeps files accessible at all times and is a big hit among high school and college kids.
Using software platforms, with the necessary features, to handle all POS needs on the service-side, allows small business owners to focus on growing their businesses.
Demand forecasting requires knowledge of consumer technology used to learn about and purchase products.
Feeling the pressure of interactive online advertising? Make your traditional print media more interactive with mobile barcodes.