by Lisa Evans
With more than 42 years of solid experience behind them, it’s no wonder the team at Gem & Lapidary Wholesalers provide their B2B buyers with every possible convenience and service. Established in 1974 by Bob Schbilion, the shows have grown from just 12 wholesalers traveling town to town, to a series of 18 shows that crisscross the United States and offer a huge range of quality gems and lapidary items.
From smaller, more intimate regional shows held in the Midwest and Massachusetts, the company also offers a large show in Tucson with over 700 exhibitors and upwards of 65,000 professionals in the field attending. Felicia Crigler, Publications Manager for Gem and Lap, assures attendees that all the shows provide the same great experience for both buyers and exhibitors. Buyers attending any of the shows will find styles and products in the lapidary industry from around the world, all in one location, and offered with professionalism and courtesy.
“We are wholesale only,” Crigler states, “buyers come in and buy in bulk. It does not matter if a buyer attends a show with a dozen exhibitors or hundreds, they will all have a great time and are guaranteed to find amazing items to sell in their stores.” Crigler goes on to note that buyers attending any of their conveniently located shows can be confident in knowing that all the shows carry the same type of products, and the quality and quantity available will be top notch at every venue.
The upcoming April 2016 Gem and Lapidary shows in Minneapolis MN, Livonia MI, and West Springfield MA will showcase new and returning exhibitors, with many familiar faces in the crowd. Many exhibitors have been with the company for the entire forty-two year run. Buyers will find a full range of products from beads and fashion jewelry to diamonds and fine jewelry dealers.
Those interested may register online in advance at and check out the full show schedule for 2016 and many more show details at