Whether or not you rely on Groundhog Day to tell you how many more weeks of winter you have to endure, Independent Retailer is already celebrating spring! With the holidays over, cold weather in full effect, and everyone starting to make summer vacation plans, it is about time indie retailers start getting their shoppers excited for spring.
There are many different ways you can do this, but one of the best ways to get customers excited is through spring decorations. From flowers and pops of bright colors throughout your store to new spring and summer clothing displays, you can have shoppers dreaming of beach days in no time. Here are some of our favorite spring decorating tips to get your store ready for the upcoming season:
Update Your Window Displays
Window displays are the first thing consumers will see before they even enter your store, and in order to draw them in before they shop anywhere else, you need to really spruce them up. This is the fun part where you can get creative with flowers and baskets and use them to promote new spring products. Spring is all about youth and rebirth, and nothing says youth like a jaunty swing in your window display. Swings are simple to construct and instantly add an air of rustic refinement to your shop. Garnish them with flowers or let them show off your best sellers.
Incorporate a Flower Wall
This can be either in your window display or a wall inside your store, but flowers are a spring staple, and displaying them prominently will turn your store into a mini oasis. It is best to use fake flowers for this wall so it can last all season long and maybe into the summer if your customers enjoy it enough. Retailers can go all out and completely cover a wall entirely with flower heads, or you can go a little more simple and hang strings down from the ceiling, gluing flower heads along the way down. This can make it easier to cover an entire wall and it will also add some elegance.
Add Garden Supplies Around the Store
Even if you do not sell garden supplies, these are great products that will give any display a spring feeling. Lightly put some new merchandise into a wheelbarrow, but be sure to not fill it up all the way because that can be seen as messy, surround a display with some tins filled with garden tools, have plants coming out of rain boots, or even hang some umbrella’s from the ceiling. Include some strings with water droplets taped on, and you have yourself a full spring display. Be sure to pair these ideas with bright colors and plants to achieve the full effect.
Creative Festive Signage
Grab the attention of passersby with a spring themed chalk sign. From descriptive words to fun and sassy words just for charm, signs can give your customers information about anything that is on sale, new products, or just to provide them with a smile as they walk by your store. The best part about chalk signs is they can be changed as often as you like, so if you are having a special one day only sale, it is easy to let shoppers know. Be sure to include drawings of flowers or other colorful objects to really catch their eye.