There’s one way to measure your customer service, and that is by taking a look at how much your customer spends. According to American Express Global Customer Service Barometer, a survey conducted in the U.S. and nine other countries, “In a strong economic environment, 70 percent of the Americans surveyed are willing to spend an average of 13 percent more with companies they believe provide excellent customer service.” So, if you are looking to make a sale, make sure you check your service. has provided some suggestions to help you in providing that feel-good shopping experience for your customers. First, you can recognize and reward your loyal customers. Repeat customers mean repeat sales, so give them an incentive to stay by utilizing “Repeat Customer” discounts or Customer Loyalty Programs that reward on a consistent basis. Second, you can invest in omni-channel advertising and selling. Consumers want to interact with you and your products, and their increased usage of social media and mobile technology is an indication of how you can help them do that. Although these customer-friendly incentives allow you to reward your customer and to communicate with them in a new way, a closer look must given to the interaction in-store, between seller and shopper.
What Do Retail Shoppers Expect of You, the Independent Retailer?
The American Express Global Customer Service Barometer sends a warning to those retailers not attending to their customer service, referencing the fact that, “Americans vote with their wallets when they encounter subpar service; 78 percent of consumers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase because of a poor service experience.” The awareness of customer needs and expectations plays a large role in the acquisition of desirable quality results, such as new sales and profits. No detail in reviewing and revising your customer service should be unexamined. Whether your customer is coming in to browse, make a purchase or return an item, you want the same excellent quality of service all around.
You could seek out numerous consulting firms that offer you and your staff training in quality service, but a few simple steps in polishing up your demeanor and service may be all you need in boosting sales.
Smile when greeting a customer.
In person and on the phone, customers know when you are are genuinely smiling, as well as genuinely concerned about their wants and needs.
Never judge a book by a cover.
Regardless of your customer’s age or appearance, keep judgement out of the store. The only differences you should acknowledge are the different shopping needs of your customers.
Find out if you don’t know.
You don’t need to have every answer. However, if a customer asks you a question you don’t have an answer to, you should try your best to find out.
Learn to read body language.
Body language is worth a thousand words. If your customer appears pensive, perhaps they have a question, giving you an opportunity to ask.
Smile while saying goodbye.
Even if your customer walks out without a shopping bag in hand, he or she leaves with the impression of your welcoming and friendly attitude. That impression might be what keeps them coming back.