Browsing: For Buyers

About 85 percent of online moms say having a baby changed their purchasing habits, according to the, “21st Century Mom,” report, a study published by BabyCenter,…

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Many consumers today prefer doing business with smaller, local businesses, according to a recent survey conducted by WebVisible, an online marketing firm. Among the reasons cited…

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New York City Mayor Bloomberg recently stopped by Hive at 55, a new workspace at Downtown Manhattan’s Broad Street, to praise the entrepreneurial spirit of,…

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In spite of today’s global economy, catering to the local community is still a highly effective way for an independent retailer to build a strong customer…

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Small and medium sized retailers will now be able to design, build and manage their own ecommerce businesses using’s technology. The massive online retailer recently…

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Here are 10 tips that the editors of Cover have gathered at recent business meetings for starting a new business: Outline your company’s mission statement, goals…

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One of the benefits of a sluggish economy seems to be that leaner times in advertising and media have made it a lot easier for small…

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