The original Touchabubbles from Play Visions, Inc. is a soapy bubble solution that makes bubbles that do not break. The bubbles are created the usual way by dipping a bubble blower into the soapy liquid, and then blowing on it. But with Touchabubbles, something almost magical happens when the bubble forms: the bubble material hardens as it hits air, and the bubble does not break. In fact, the bubbles can be caught by children (or adults) and stacked up, one on top of another. Touchabubbles come in a five inch test tube, with a top that acts as the bubble blower. Touchabubbles wholesale for $1.50 per unit, and suggested retail is $3. Minimum orders are $100.
Play Visions, Inc. has introduced another version of Touchabubbles, called, Glitter Bubbles. The bubbles work in much the same way as original Touchabubbles, but with the addition of glitter to the soapy mixture, which sparkles on the surface of the bubbles, as they are made and harden. The product comes in six colors, including orange, turquoise, green, pink, yellow and purple. Glitter Bubbles wholesale for $1.50 per unit, and suggested retail is $3. Minimum orders are $100.
For more information:
Play Visions, Inc.
19180 144th Avenue NE,
Woodinville, WA 98072
Toll Free: 800-678-8697
Website: www.playvisions.com