Golden Resources Trading specializes in handbags, wallets and purses. Specifically, the company’s fashion handbags are always among the hottest sellers. Customers are attracted in droves to Golden Resources, in part due to the fact that they are allowed to mix and match diferent items in their orders, and also choose from anywhere from four to six different colors for every item they select.
“Website business for us is pretty new,” says co-owner Joyce Chan. “We just started trying it, and now we’re starting to get customers from the web. Before that, they mainly came from trade shows. We’re now trying to focus on internet customers.”
This is one of the reasons Golden Resource Trading currently has an ad running in our own WebWholesaler magazine–the idea being that more web-based customers will be drawn to the company’s extensive product line. Almost as valuable to Chan is customer feedback, and so those purchasing from the company’s website,, are encouraged to interact.
Wholesale prices for Golden Resources bags range from $10 to $15, with a suggested retail price of between $20 and $30. The minimum order is $150, but Chan relates that many customers purchase as many as 400 to 500 at a time.
Golden Resource Trading Inc.
135 West 30 Street
New York, NY 10001
Ph: 212-268-2880