Author: Publisher

Wholesale Central is the leading B2B directory of wholesale suppliers and products. We offer powerful sourcing tools to help resellers find thousands of prescreened wholesalers, importers, distributors, dropshippers, and manufacturers.

If you’ve been in the retail business for a while, some days you’re not sure where to start. It wasn’t long ago that it was easy to keep up with your customers; they were either reading the newspaper or watching television.

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Cotton Connection is a leading wholesaler of active wear, sportswear, and underwear products. They specialize in first quality closeouts and irregulars from the leading mills such as Gildan®, Anvil®, Fruit of the Loom®, Jerzees®, & Hanes®.

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Spring and summer months mean barbecues, sports, gardening, and all kinds of outdoor activities. These activities also mean a lot of traffic going in and out of the house and traditional front or back doors being left open or substituted with screen doors.

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