The Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishing Market is one of the biggest market expos of its kind. Retailers from all over the world converge on the even to order products, and in July, the event also featured a Retailer to Retailer Breakfast Seminar.
Browsing: Marketing & Management
Visa announced it will be joining with the National Retail Federation (NRF) in an effort to reduce the storage of sensitive information in merchant payment systems, calling for the elimination of account information whenever possible.
There is currently a shift happening in the way companies view email as a tool for merchandise marketing campaigns.
Sales of goods at the wholesale level held steady over the last month but rose substantially over the year, according to the most recent data from the Census Bureau.
Online retail sales jumped 14 percent in the first quarter of 2010, according to an AdWeek report citing U.S. Census Bureau estimates.
Faced with “increasingly demanding customers,” consumer goods and retail companies are responding with a slew of new products — 60 percent of companies surveyed in a recent report say that they are rolling out new products or variations on old ones.
About 85 percent of online moms say having a baby changed their purchasing habits, according to the, “21st Century Mom,” report, a study published by BabyCenter,…
Here are 10 tips that the editors of Cover have gathered at recent business meetings for starting a new business: Outline your company’s mission statement, goals…
It’s common knowledge that Internet shopping is more popular than ever, and e-commerce has transformed retailing as we know it. But retailers are now integrating it with their brick-and-mortar presence. recently had the opportunity to interview John Rudberg, National Sales Director for Diamond Storage Concept, a leader in the garage storage category most known for its HyLoft line of products.