Although the treasures of a successful shopping trip lie within shopping bags and delivery boxes, what contains them makes them extra special. The way items are wrapped in-store, as well as when they are ordered online and delivered, can take a shopper’s experience to the next level. Everyone is demanding personalization and mastering the finishing touches is the secret to success.
Gone are the days of boring brown boxes being delivered with items packed in between Styrofoam peanuts. Independent retailers that sell online need to take any chance they can to give customers impeccable service and a sense of your brand. A great way to do this is by thinking inside the box. Especially during the holidays, it is important to offer shoppers a gift-wrapping and gift receipt option when checking out online, but all year long deliveries should be made special with a few extra touches. Using tissue paper to wrap items and including a handwritten note is a small action that goes a long way. Many indie retailers have started to master the art of unboxing. Consider adding a handwritten card included in delicately wrapped packages, or something as simple as adding a bonus sticker to every order can set you apart. Including small bonus items as well as small details make shoppers feel special and builds their loyalty.
An “unboxing” experience is not only for online sellers. The bags you give your shoppers to carry their goods are a walking, traveling marketing tool. Shoppers recycle bags to be used as gift-wrapping, carry around their items, or sometimes as decorations. Beyond having attractive packaging materials that shoppers will want to own in addition to their purchase, giving them the ability to choose how their items will be contained increases personalization. Think about Aerie; their bags are simple and coveted by their shoppers. They let shoppers pick out a ribbon to tie the bags and put tissue paper in them to make even the smallest purchase look like a special present. Noteworthy Chocolates personalizes everything – from the product to the bow on the box, they make sure the customer picks and designs it all. Shoppers want to feel valued by retailers and having a pretty and individualized bag definitely makes them feel that way.
Bags and boxes are not simply a way to get products from one place to another. They are tools to spread brand awareness and build loyalty. Customers will hold onto personalized packages and bags and appreciate the extra time retailers have put in to show their appreciation towards them. Everyone wants to feel special.