The December 2015 Issue of Independent Retailer Magazine is the licensed products issue, including four tips for driving sales to your store! Check out more timely Product Trends, News, and Marketing tips as they are added to our website here:
Author: Publisher
Many of us have childhood memories of sitting on a bench, facing a ball field or court or ice rink, waiting and hoping that Coach would finally put you into the game.
Retail E-Learning on the Rise
Many companies guarantee their products to be reliable or multipurpose, but what better way to prove that commitment than actually using the merchandise out on the road?
With new jewelry collections launching every three months, Planet Silver has been a quality silver wholesale supplier for over 15 years.
For Magnum Enterprises, being a “Made in the USA” company is an integral part of their identity.
Running an online store is no small thing. First you have to construct a site.
As a leading distributor of gifts, History and Heraldry offers personalized and sentimental products appealing to all age groups.
In just under a decade, Perfect Product, LLC has grown to become a leader in the self-defense business, due in large part to their commitment to customer service.
Mobile devices have given customers new ways to interact with merchants.