From my perspective, reducing their physical footprint is a challenge many retailers are facing in the New Year.
Author: Publisher
Subscription services were a hot topic in 2017. The apparel startup Stitch Fix® exploded with success, Amazon is beta testing a similar product called Amazon Prime Wardrobe, and Under Armour® and Gap® also jumped in on the idea.
Brick and mortar retailers will face increasing pressures around addressing long-term debt.
As a retailer, you’ll want to maximize your opportunities in both online and offline retail worlds, keeping shoppers happy and spending their money in your store. Here’s how you can use retail email marketing to do just that.
This month we sat down and had a chinwag over a proper cup of tea with Lisa and Nigel Whitmore, proprietors of local Connecticut retailer UK Gourmet.
What will be the biggest challenges retailers face in 2018? Are these challenges different for indie retailers?
This time last year, in the cover story of our January 2017 issue titled, “What’s Next For Retail?” we made some predictions on what would happen in our industry over the course of 2017.
The New Year is a time for fresh starts. This is the perfect time to set up goals for business and make those much-needed changes that we never got around to in 2017.
The January 2018 Issue of Independent Retailer Magazine – Industry Leaders Speak about What’s to Come in 2018.
Recently, while tuning in to the second episode of a new Netflix series, a new button appeared — “SKIP INTRO”.