The April 2013 issue of Independent Retailer Magazine features an article about how Carts and Kiosks can be a cost-effective alternative to a traditional storefront. Check out more timely Product Trends, News, and Marketing tips here:
- Biodegradable Bag for Malodorous Waste
- Cart & Kiosk Strategies
- DayClocks for Perfectly Timed Sales
- Facebook Gets Facelift
- Flash Sales Spark Business
- Fragrances & Scented Products: The Formula for Success
- Gift Trend Has Memorable Twist
- High-Touch Shopping: Brick & Mortars’ Invaluable Weapon
- Hot Summer Accessories
- Keep Bugs at Bay
- NYIGF to Become NY NOW Summer 2013
- Plush Toys Charm Consumers
- Retail Sales Up
- SnapRetail Simplifies Marketing
- Sparkly Spring Bangles
- Stationery & Gifts Up to 70 Percent Off Wholesale
- Titanium Sports Necklaces for Health and Beauty
- Toilet Tattoos Clean Up
- Western Style Natural Palm Hats